Clinical Case Database / Category: Case Based Discussion

Osteoporosis, fractures & bisphosphonates

Publication details

Dr. Indunil Gunawardena
Foundation Years Journal, volume 6, issue 1, p.14 (123Doc Education, London, January 2012)


Ms MA presented with bilateral, sequential bisphosphonate-related subtrochanteric fractures. Unique clinical and radiographic features surrounding these atypical fractures that have been illustrated in the literature are identified in this case.

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Dr. Indunil Gunawardena

SpR General and Geriatric Medicine
Royal Bournemouth Hospital


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17. Schilcher J, Michaeisson K, Aspenberg P, Bisphosphonate use and atypical fractures of the femoral shaft. N Engl J Med 2011;364:1728-1737.


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