Clinical Case Database / Category: Patient Management

Pleural effusion: a rare but important cause

Publication details

M Connolly
Foundation Years Journal, volume 5, issue 9, p.86 (123Doc Education, London, October 2011)


Mr GD, a 77 year old male retired pharmacist, presented to the Ulster Hospital Dundonald with cough and breathlessness of approximately four months' duration. He had previously been well. He was a lifelong non-smoker and had never been exposed to asbestos or tuberculosis. He denied fever, sputum, haemoptysis or weight loss. He had previously been well from a respiratory point of view. His past medical history included hypertension and duodenal ulceration.

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M Connolly

IC Gleadhill, Respiratory Department,
Ulster Hospital Dundonal


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T​he Foundation Years Clinical Cases Database is​ a selection of 600 peer-reviewed clinical cases in the field of patient safety and clinical practice, specifically focused on the clinical information needs of junior doctors, based around the Foundation Year Curriculum programme (MMC). The cases have been chosen to align with the Foundation Year Curriculum.

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