Clinical Case Database / Category: Clinical Care

Secondary prevention after MI

Publication details

Jessica Webb, Laura Cochrane, Pitt O Lim
Foundation Years Journal, volume 3, issue 2, p.14 (123Doc Education, London, March 2009)


A 40-year-old lorry driver presented to the Emergency Department an hour after onset of central chest pain. He was a smoker with a family history of coronary artery disease. His 12 lead electrocardiogram confirmed an acute anterolateral ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI). Following intravenous morphine for analgesia and anti-emetics, he underwent immediate primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with preoperative loading doses of aspirin and clopidogrel, as well as an intravenous bolus dose of heparin.

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Jessica Webb

Department of Cardiology
St George's Hospital

Laura Cochrane

Department of Cardiology
St George's Hospital

Pitt O Lim

Department of Cardiology
St George's Hospital


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T​he Foundation Years Clinical Cases Database is​ a selection of 600 peer-reviewed clinical cases in the field of patient safety and clinical practice, specifically focused on the clinical information needs of junior doctors, based around the Foundation Year Curriculum programme (MMC). The cases have been chosen to align with the Foundation Year Curriculum.

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