Forum: MRCS

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  2. Dear Friends
    I am new here. Needless to say, I am preparing for upcoming MRCS OSCE. After an extensive research, it seems there are many forums but people tend to just discuss general aspects. I want to prepare hence without wasting any time, I am taking an opportunity to post stations and hope that some colleagues may be able to join me on the journey.
    First Station: History Taking for post-operative chest pain or SOB
    A 50 years male is 5/7 post THR. Take history and present to the examiners.
    Hello Mr. -----, I am Dr. Zavlin and am a MRCS Candidate. I have been assigned to take a history from you. Could I start by asking you as to what the problem has been?
    Establish whther it was post-operative chest pain, or post-operative Shortness Of Breath (SOB).
    Chest pain: Site, Onset, character, radiation, associations, timing and duration, Exacerbating and relieving factors, severity.
    SOB: Onset, Duration, Progression, Precipitating factor, Aggrevating and Relieving factor. Associations: cough, expectoration, haemoptysis, pain in the wound, any discharge from the wound, abdominal pain, abdominal distention, frequency, dysuria, haematuria, calf pain, swelling of the legs.
    Medications and Allergies:
    Family history:
    Social history:
    Review of Systems:
    Thank the patient and present to the Examiners.
    Likely Pulmonary Embolism.

    DD of post-operative chest pain.

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