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joint pain

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  2. 34 yrs oldman c/oa2yrs h/0 knee stiffness and pain that gets better during the day what is the drug of choice?

  3. i think we can try NSAIDs

  4. first line of treatment in osteoarthritis is paracetamol. OF course this guys age (34) tends to confuse one.

  5. If the pain gets better during the day it is more likely to be rheumatoid as osteoarthritis tends to get worse as the day goes on.
    Confounding feature is monoarticular joint and age of patient but it still could be a case of persistent monoarthritis OHCS PG 402
    first line drug in rheumatoid NSAIDS
    ........................OSTEOARTHRITS is Paracetamol
    feedback please

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